How to See When Your Followers Are Most Active on Instagram: Complete Guide to Best Time to Post on Instagram in 2024

By: Val Razo

Last Updated on September 23, 2024 by Val Razo

In today’s fast-paced social media landscape, knowing the best time to post on Instagram can significantly impact your reach and engagement. As social media marketing becomes more competitive, brands and creators must understand when their followers are most active to maximize their content’s performance. In this article, we’ll explore how to determine when your Instagram audience is online, how to use Instagram Insights and the optimal posting times for 2024.

How to see when your followers are most active on Instagram

Why Knowing Your Followers’ Activity Matters on Instagram

One of the most important aspects of Instagram marketing is understanding when your followers are active. By posting when your audience is most active, you increase the likelihood that your Instagram content will be seen, liked, and shared. The Instagram algorithm prioritizes content that gets immediate engagement, meaning that posting at optimal times can give your content a significant boost.

The Impact on Post Engagement

When your Instagram account posts during peak times, your content is more likely to reach a wider audience. For instance, Instagram users tend to scroll through their feeds during specific windows, such as evening times after work or during lunch breaks. Posting during these certain times ensures your content appears when users are likely to be online, increasing the chance for higher engagement, whether through likes, comments, or shares. Additionally, carousel posts, reels, and Instagram stories can further engage your audience when published at the right moment.

How Instagram Insights Help You Analyze Activity

To get an accurate picture of when your followers are online, you need to use IG Insights. This built-in feature provides valuable insights into your audience’s behavior, including their active times, the days of the week they’re most engaged, and how different types of content perform. By reviewing these analytics, you can find out what times of day and what time zones your audience is most active, allowing you to tailor your posting schedule to suit their habits.

I often use Instagram Insights to monitor when my followers are most active. By checking the data regularly, I found that my audience is more engaged in the late afternoon, around 5 PM Pacific Time. Since scheduling my posts for these times, I’ve seen a steady increase in my reach and engagement.

How to Use Instagram Insights to Find the Best Time to Post

Navigating Instagram Insights

Accessing Insights is easy if you have a business Instagram account or a creator account. Simply open the Instagram app, go to your profile, and click on the “Insights” option. From there, navigate to the followers section to view data about your audience’s active times. You can scroll down to the bottom of the page to find specific information about when your followers are online. This data is crucial for optimizing your posting time, whether you’re sharing a reel, an Instagram story, or a standard Instagram post.

Understanding Follower Activity and Posting Time Data

The data provided by Insights allows you to see when your total followers are most active throughout the week. You can identify the best days to post, as well as the worst days to post, to avoid times when your audience is less engaged. The analytics will show the approximate times your followers are online, broken down by times of day and days of the week. Use this data to create a detailed social media calendar that aligns with your audience’s optimal posting times.

Best Times to Post on Instagram in 2024

General Best Times for Posting Content on Instagram

In 2024, the best times to post on Instagram can vary based on your target audience and niche. However, general trends indicate that the times on Instagram when users are most active include:

  • Monday to Friday mornings, between 9 AM and 11 AM
  • Evening times on weekdays, around 7 PM to 9 PM
  • Weekend afternoons, typically between 12 PM and 2 PM

These times to post are based on broad user behavior, but it’s essential to tailor your posting schedule to your own audience using IG Insights.

While Instagram Reels have become a popular format for brands, engagement with Reels has decreased by 25% in 2023 compared to the previous year. However, Reels still maintain the highest average reach rate of 30.81%, making them an essential tool for reaching new audiences​ (Sprout Social)(Socialinsider).

Unique Best Times for Different Types of Content (Posts, Stories, Reels)

Different types of content on Instagram may perform better at different times. For instance, Instagram stories often perform best during evening times when users are more likely to scroll through their feeds casually. Meanwhile, Instagram reels tend to have the highest engagement during lunch breaks or early afternoon. Posting a reel during these time slots could increase its chances of being featured on the Explore page. Additionally, carousel posts with strong visuals and captions might see better performance during workday lulls, such as mid-morning.

Carousel posts with strong visuals and captions might see better performance during workday lulls

Developing a Successful Instagram Posting Strategy

Balancing Post Frequency and Content-Type

One of the key factors in a successful Instagram marketing strategy is consistency. Posting content consistently ensures that your audience remains engaged with your brand. However, balance is critical: posting too frequently can overwhelm your followers, while posting too little may cause them to forget about you. A solid social media strategy involves posting at the right times and varying your type of content to keep things fresh.

Leveraging Instagram Reels and Stories for Maximum Reach

Incorporating a mix of Instagram stories, Instagram reels, and static posts into your content marketing can help you reach a broader audience. The Instagram algorithm tends to favor Instagram reels and stories, particularly when they are posted when your followers are active. By strategically scheduling your content, you can boost both reach and engagement and improve your overall Instagram marketing results.

Key Tips to Boost Engagement in 2024

Diversifying Your Content Strategy (Posts, Reels, Stories)

To improve your Instagram engagement in 2024, diversifying the types of content you post is essential. A strong Instagram marketing strategy should include experimenting with different formats, such as Instagram reels, carousel posts, and Instagram stories, to determine which types of content resonate best with your audience. Use Instagram analytics to dig even deeper and find insights on your best-performing content. This will help you understand which pieces drive the best engagement and allow you to refine your strategy to post your content at the best times.

Make sure to schedule your posts during specific times and days to post on Instagram that align with when your audience is most active. You can identify these times by reviewing the Instagram feed and see on which days your posts receive the most interaction. According to the social media marketing industry report, timing is critical to success, especially when it comes to the best time to post reels.

When I started using Instagram Reels, I noticed a significant increase in engagement compared to my regular posts. For instance, one of my Reels, posted during peak evening times, received double the views of my carousel posts. This experience confirmed that experimenting with different formats and posting at the right times of the day makes a noticeable difference in my audience interaction.

Integrating Instagram and TikTok for Cross-Platform Growth

To further enhance your social media presence, consider cross-promoting content between Instagram and TikTok. Both platforms allow for short, engaging videos, making them perfect for repurposing Instagram reels on TikTok. This integration can help you reach a broader audience, especially when you optimize for times to post reels on both platforms.

As noted by the head of Instagram, Adam Mosseri, using a mix of content and adjusting to the best posting times—whether it’s during Eastern Standard Time or Pacific Time—can significantly increase your visibility. By following the data, you’ll find what works and ensure your content is being posted at the most effective times. Whether you’re posting in the early morning, during prime time to scroll, or during evening hours, aligning your social media strategy with your audience’s habits will help you get the most likes and ensure your content is resonating.

A 2023 Instagram engagement report revealed that smaller brands (with fewer than 5,000 followers) experienced a 40.5% increase in audience size through consistent use of Reels. In contrast, larger brands saw lower growth rates. This study underscores the power of Reels in helping smaller accounts achieve impressive reach and audience growth (Socialinsider)(Metricool).

Aligning your social media strategy


In 2024, mastering the art of posting at the right time on Instagram is essential for maximizing your reach and engagement. By using Instagram Insights to analyze when your followers are most active, you can tailor your posting schedule to hit those key moments when your audience is likely to be online. Consistently delivering the right type of content, whether it’s Instagram stories, reels, or carousel posts, ensures that you maintain visibility and keep your followers engaged. As you refine your Instagram marketing strategy, remember to stay flexible—monitor your Instagram analytics, experiment with different content formats, and adjust your timing as necessary. By following these best practices, you’ll improve your overall social media presence, grow your Instagram account, and stay ahead in the evolving world of social media marketing.

Frequently Asked Questions

How do I schedule my Instagram posts for optimal engagement?

To schedule your Instagram posts, you can use third-party tools like Buffer or Hootsuite, which allow you to automatically post at the most strategic times of the day when your audience is most active. This helps maintain consistency and ensures your content reaches the most people, especially when you post during high-traffic times like early mornings or evenings.

How important is the number of followers when creating content?

While the number of followers can impact your reach, the key to success is creating content that resonates with your audience. Even with fewer followers, highly engaging and targeted content can drive significant interactions and improve your visibility in the Instagram algorithm. Quality always trumps quantity when it comes to building a strong following.

What does a social media manager do on Instagram?

A social media manager is responsible for overseeing a brand’s Instagram presence. This includes planning and creating content, analyzing performance metrics, and ensuring that each piece of content aligns with the brand’s overall strategy. They also optimize posting schedules to align with the best times of the day, manage follower interactions, and keep up with trends to enhance growth and engagement.

How do I determine the best times of the day to post on Instagram?

To determine the best times of the day to post, you need to use Insights to analyze when your audience is most active. Pay attention to the times when your content gets the most engagement. You can also use general posting guidelines, such as mid-morning or early evening in your followers’ time zones (like Pacific Time), but it’s essential to gather your own data for more precise scheduling.

How can I use Instagram Insights to improve my posting strategy?

Instagram Insights offers detailed analytics on your audience’s activity, helping you make informed decisions about your posting schedule. By reviewing data like when your audience is most active, you can identify the specific times and days to post on Instagram to maximize engagement. Regularly checking these metrics allows you to adjust your strategy for creating content that resonates with your audience.

Author Bio

Val Razo

Val Razo is a skilled professional in the field of Instagram Marketing. With over five years of experience as a freelance Social Media Marketing consultant, Val has assisted numerous small and medium-sized businesses in achieving their goals.