How to Use Instagram’s Suggested Posts to Discover New Trends in 2024: Instagram Algorithm Hacks

By: Val Razo

Last Updated on September 11, 2024 by Val Razo

In 2024, Instagram’s algorithm continues to evolve, and it’s no secret that the platform’s suggested posts feature is playing a key role in shaping how users discover content. The Instagram Explore Page and the way posts from accounts you don’t follow are suggested to users are powerful tools for staying ahead of trends. As the Instagram algorithm works to curate the most relevant posts on Instagram, it prioritizes content based on a user’s activity, previous engagements, and posts from people you follow. Whether you’re looking to uncover new trends or simply broaden your Instagram feed, mastering how Instagram’s algorithm prioritizes content can give you a serious edge.

The Instagram Explore Page algorithm and suggested posts from accounts users haven’t interacted with before introduce fresh opportunities to engage with a new audience. These posts are curated using sophisticated data points, allowing the platform to predict content users may be interested in. In this guide, we’ll explore how to use these features to discover new trends, gain insight into Instagram’s Explore Page, and better understand how Instagram algorithm ranking factors can work in your favor.

How to use instagram's suggested posts to discover new trends


Understanding Instagram’s Suggested Posts

How Instagram’s Algorithm Works

The Instagram algorithm plays a crucial role in determining what content surfaces on users’ Instagram feeds and Explore Pages. It aims to provide users with the most relevant and engaging content by analyzing their past interactions on the platform. For suggested posts, Instagram gathers data from the types of posts you’ve liked, commented on, and saved. It then predicts what other content you might find interesting, even if it comes from accounts you don’t follow.

By constantly assessing users’ behavior, such as which posts from accounts they interact with most frequently and the content types they engage with, the algorithm prioritizes content that aligns with user preferences. This process allows Instagram to suggest content that users are likely to enjoy, increasing engagement and time spent on the platform.

Instagram Algorithm Ranking Factors in 2024

In 2024, the Instagram algorithm has become even more refined with additional ranking factors shaping how content is displayed. The Instagram algorithm ranking factors consider various metrics, such as the popularity of a post (likes, comments, shares), the recency of the post, and the type of media (such as photos and videos, Reels, or carousel posts).

For suggested posts, the algorithm also takes into account a user’s activity across the platform. For instance, if you frequently engage with Reels or hashtags, the algorithm will show you more content featuring similar themes. Additionally, Instagram is testing new methods to optimize the accuracy of its suggestions, improving how well it connects users to trending content. Staying informed about these ranking factors can help you tailor your Instagram strategy to better align with how the algorithm works, maximizing your chances of appearing as a suggested post or reaching a new audience on the Explore Page.

Recently, I’ve started paying closer attention to the suggested posts that appear in my Instagram feed. At first, I wasn’t sure how relevant they would be, but over time, I realized they were an excellent way to discover new creators and trends. For example, I found a few accounts sharing the latest fashion trends in streetwear that I might have missed otherwise. This has been incredibly helpful in keeping my content fresh and aligned with what’s trending in my niche.

How to Discover New Trends Using Instagram’s Suggested Posts

How the Suggested Post Feature Curates Content

The suggested post feature on Instagram is designed to introduce users to new content outside of their usual circle. This feature works by analyzing various data points related to your activity on the platform. Instagram takes note of the posts from accounts you engage with, including likes, comments, and shares, and uses that information to recommend similar posts from creators you don’t follow. The Instagram algorithm is constantly learning from these interactions, predicting which content you may be interested in and serving it to you through suggested posts.

A unique aspect of this feature is its ability to help users discover new things, whether it’s emerging trends, popular hashtags, or fresh content from accounts you haven’t interacted with. By tapping into these suggestions, users can uncover what’s trending across Instagram, giving them a wider perspective on what’s resonating with other Instagram users.

See Posts from Accounts You Don’t Follow and Test New Content

One of the most significant ways to discover new trends on Instagram is by exploring posts from accounts you don’t follow. These suggestions are driven by your engagement history and the algorithm’s aim to keep you connected to content that aligns with your interests. By testing different types of content, such as Reels, photos and videos, or carousel posts, Instagram ensures that the content you see is diverse and engaging.

For brands and creators, these suggested posts present an opportunity to test new types of content and see how it resonates with users outside of their immediate following. Engaging with suggested posts is an effective way to stay on top of what’s trending on Instagram and adapt your own content strategy to align with current trends.

How the Instagram Explore Page Algorithm Works

How to Get on the Instagram Explore Page

Getting your content featured on the Instagram Explore Page can significantly increase your visibility and help you reach a new audience. The Explore Page algorithm is designed to surface content that users are likely to find engaging, even from accounts they don’t follow. To increase your chances of appearing on the Explore Page, it’s crucial to focus on posts that generate high engagement, such as likes, comments, and shares. This engagement tells the Instagram algorithm that your content is worth sharing with a broader audience.

The algorithm also takes into account other factors, such as the type of media you use—IG Reels, carousel posts, and videos are often prioritized because they keep users engaged for longer periods. Timing is another important aspect; understanding the best time to post on Instagram can boost your chances of appearing on the Explore Page, as more interactions shortly after posting signal to the algorithm that the content is trending.

Last month, one of my Instagram Reels ended up on the Explore Page, and I noticed a huge spike in engagement. The Reel was a tutorial related to social media strategies, and it garnered a lot of attention from users who weren’t following me. This led to a 25% increase in Instagram followers within a week, showing me the power of getting featured on the Explore Page to reach a wider audience.

Focus on posts that generate high engagement

The Role of Suggested Posts on the Explore Page

In 2024, suggested posts play a vital role in how users discover content on the Explore Page. These posts are curated based on a user’s past interactions and the overall Instagram algorithm ranking factors. The goal is to show users content that aligns with their preferences, even if it comes from creators they haven’t interacted with before. For creators and brands, appearing in suggested posts on the Explore Page can open the door to new followers, increased engagement, and broader reach.

The Explore Page algorithm often favors posts from accounts that have consistently high engagement rates and content that matches current trends. By understanding how Instagram’s Explore Page algorithm works, creators can optimize their content to not only engage their followers but also attract a new audience from the Explore Page.

According to a report by Hootsuite, over 50% of users on Instagram discover new content through the Explore Page. This showcases the significant role that the Explore Page plays in connecting users to new accounts and trends.

Leveraging Instagram Suggested Posts to Boost Engagement

The Impact of Suggested Posts on Reach and Visibility

The suggested posts feature on Instagram can significantly increase your content’s reach and visibility. These posts allow your content to appear in the Instagram feed of users who don’t already follow you, expanding your potential audience. The Instagram algorithm prioritizes content with high engagement, so posts that receive a lot of interaction—whether they’re Reels, photos, or carousel posts—are more likely to be shown as suggested content.

When users engage with your content in their home feed or through suggested posts, the algorithm takes note and continues promoting it to a broader audience. By consistently producing engaging and relevant content, you can increase the chances of your posts being suggested to users, thus helping you reach new followers and grow your influence on the platform.

How to Maximize Exposure with Top Posts and Suggested Content

Maximizing your exposure on Instagram involves creating content that resonates with your target audience while also appealing to the Instagram algorithm. To do this, focus on producing top posts that spark engagement—whether through comments, shares, or likes. High-performing content is often shown as suggested posts to users who are likely to be interested based on their past activity on Instagram.

In addition to creating high-quality content, leveraging hashtags strategically can help your posts reach users interested in similar topics. By understanding how the Instagram algorithm prioritizes posts, you can fine-tune your content strategy to ensure that your posts perform well and are shared with a broader audience through suggested posts. With consistent effort, you can use suggested content to expand your reach and build a larger, more engaged following.

suggested posts

Instagram Trends to Watch in 2024

How Instagram is Testing New Features in Suggested Posts

In 2024, Instagram is continuously evolving its platform by testing new features that enhance user experience, particularly within the suggested posts feature. These changes are designed to keep users engaged with relevant content, making it easier to discover new things and stay connected to the latest trends. Instagram’s focus on introducing new content types and improving how suggested posts are surfaced in the Instagram feed allows creators and brands to explore new opportunities to reach their target audience.

The platform is also experimenting with features that expand the variety of content shown in suggested posts, such as more emphasis on Reels and other engaging formats. This shift suggests that keeping up with Instagram algorithm ranking factors will be key to staying relevant and ensuring your content appears in the feeds of both current and potential followers.

Research from Social Media Today reveals that brands and creators who use Instagram Reels experience a 22% increase in engagement. This statistic highlights the growing importance of Reels within the platform’s content strategy.

Staying Ahead of Instagram Algorithm Updates for 2024

As Instagram continues to roll out updates to its algorithm in 2024, it’s essential to stay ahead of these changes by regularly reviewing your Instagram strategy. The platform’s algorithms are becoming more sophisticated, incorporating new data points to better serve personalized content. To stay competitive, brands and creators need to adapt by producing high-quality, engaging content that resonates with their audience.

To effectively navigate these updates, focus on creating content that aligns with the type of posts Instagram is pushing forward—such as Instagram Reels, carousel posts, and trending hashtags. By keeping your content aligned with the latest features and trends, you can ensure that the algorithm works in your favor, helping you stay ahead of the competition and consistently reach a new audience.


In 2024, mastering Instagram’s suggested posts and Explore Page algorithm can provide valuable opportunities to discover new trends and expand your reach. By understanding how the Instagram algorithm works and staying informed about the latest algorithm ranking factors, you can leverage posts from accounts outside your following to engage with a new audience. The platform’s evolving features, such as suggested content and Instagram Reels, are designed to keep users engaged, and staying ahead of these trends will ensure your content remains relevant and visible.

Whether you’re a brand, a creator, or an everyday Instagram user, using the Instagram Explore Page and suggested posts effectively can help you uncover what’s trending, connect with new followers, and refine your Instagram strategy. As Instagram continues to test new features and refine its algorithm, adapting your content approach will ensure that the algorithm works in your favor, helping you stay at the forefront of the ever-evolving world of social media.

Engage with a new audience

Frequently Asked Questions

How does Instagram decide which posts to show in my feed?

Instagram uses a complex algorithm that evaluates user’s activity across Instagram to determine which Instagram feed posts appear first. The algorithm aims to prioritize posts from accounts you follow and those with high engagement. It considers factors like how often you’ve interacted with an account in the past, the information about the post, and the type of content, such as Instagram Stories, Reels, and photos. By analyzing these interactions, Instagram ensures that the posts in your feed are the most relevant to your interests.

Why don’t I see many posts from people I follow?

Sometimes it seems like posts from accounts you follow aren’t appearing frequently in your feed. This is because the Instagram algorithm prioritizes content that aligns with your past behavior. If you haven’t engaged with an account in a while, you may see fewer posts like theirs, even if you follow them. The algorithm is designed to show content that it predicts will be more engaging based on your previous activity. To see more of these posts, interact with those accounts regularly by liking, commenting, or sharing their content.

How does the Instagram Reels algorithm work?

The Instagram Reels algorithm works similarly to the main feed algorithm but focuses on showing engaging and entertaining short-form videos. It prioritizes Reels based on user activity, such as the number of likes, comments, and shares a Reel has received. The algorithm also takes into account how long users watch a Reel and whether they interact with similar content across Instagram. To increase visibility in Reels, creators can focus on participating in trends and using relevant Instagram content formats to keep their audience engaged.

What’s the best way to schedule Instagram posts to boost engagement?

To maximize engagement, it’s important to schedule Instagram posts at times when your audience is most active. Use social media tools or social media management platforms to plan posts ahead of time. Instagram and its algorithms are designed to favor recent posts that get early engagement, so posting when your audience is online can help boost your content’s visibility. Keep an eye on analytics to learn which times work best for your audience, and adjust your schedule accordingly.

How does the Instagram Explore Page rank content?

The Explore Page uses an algorithm that curates posts and accounts based on what users have interacted with in the past. Posts are generally ranked based on factors such as how many people have engaged with the content, the type of content, and the relevance of the post to the user’s interests. Posts you see on the Explore Page are often from accounts you don’t follow but are similar to content you’ve interacted with before. By ranking posts using these criteria, the Explore Page helps users discover new posts and trends that they might find interesting.

Author Bio

Val Razo

Val Razo is a skilled professional in the field of Instagram Marketing. With over five years of experience as a freelance Social Media Marketing consultant, Val has assisted numerous small and medium-sized businesses in achieving their goals.